| 1. | Center for drug evaluation and research 药物审评及研究中心 |
| 2. | Office of drug evaluation , odei 新药审评第一室 |
| 3. | Office of drug evaluation , ode 新药审评第二室 |
| 4. | Office of otc drug evaluation 非处方药审评室 |
| 5. | Office of drug evaluation 新药物审评第一室 |
| 6. | Pilot drug evaluation 前导性新药审评 |
| 7. | Application of medical ethical education in new drug evaluation teaching plays an significant role in the cultivation of good style of scientific research , promotion of morality , construction of cooperative spirits and selfregulation of the thoughts , behaviors and souls for medical students 寓医学科研道德教育于课程教学中,可培养学生良好的科研作风,提高道德素养,树立团结协作精神并规范自己的思想、品行和情操。 |